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Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions

The Sarasota Sailing Squadron is a volunteer based organization and we're grateful to our wonderful members who make our events possible. For volunteer opportunities, please call Susan (941)388-2355  press 1

Where do I log my volunteer time?

Make sure you always sign in at the volunteer log at the bar when you are at the Squadron volunteering. List the date, hours you’ve completed and what task you were completing. For example: 5/30, 4 hours,  Race Around Lido, Race Committee.  If you forget, you can email

How do I know what volunteer opportunities are available?

Events with volunteer opportunities will have a link to sign up to volunteer in the calendar event. Check out the calendar to find a date that works for you.  Also, Emails will go out multiple times a month listing what opportunities are available; from the Membership and Event Coordinator or even from Board members and Fleet captains looking for help. If you have other opportunities you’d like to request please email for approval.

I forgot to log my hours while I was volunteering, how do I make sure they are counted?

If you forget to log your hours, please send an email to listing the date and times you volunteered and what task you were helping with. The Membership and Event Coordinator will verify your hours and log them to your RecHub account.

I took someone sailing.  Does that count as volunteer hours?

Thanks for helping someone get out on the water!  Unfortunately, taking people sailing does not count as volunteer time, unless it is a specific outreach event such as SYS’s Visible Men’s Academy day on the water.  The only other on the water time that counts for volunteer hours is Race Committee or the powerboat training classes.  Time spent coordinating races on the land, such as fleet captains meetings, matching crew and skippers to get more boats on the water, or coordinating a Boatshare event do count as volunteer hours.

I see something I can help with at the Squadron.  How do I get started?

Whether routine maintenance or a special project, please come check in with the office first.  You can share your plan and skillsets with us and we'll find a way for you to help. With so many moving parts at the Squadron, it works best when efforts are coordinated with the office.  

How do I join a committee?

If you'd like to join a committee, check out our Committees Page!

How can I check how many hours I have so far?

You can log into RecHub and check on your profile how many hours you have logged. Please note hours are logged to each individual in your household, so make sure you have all your household family members listed to your account that could volunteer. If you have any questions you can always email to verify your hours as well.

How many hours do I need to fill my yearly quota?

Each household is required to do eight (8) hours of volunteer time a calendar year per the rate schedule. This includes honorary members as well. The calendar year runs from January through December. One person from the household can fulfill all eight hours or multiple people may fulfill them. Always remember to log your hours while you are at the Squadron so they can be counted.

How much is the opt out fee if I choose not to volunteer?

The opt out fee for choosing not to volunteer or not completing your required hours is $200 which will automatically be billed to your account on December 31st at the end of the year.

I mowed my storage spot and cleaned up my boat.  Does that count as volunteer hours?

Good job keeping the Squadron looking tidy!  Per the standing rules section 2.2, members are responsible for keeping the area around their boat clean and free of overgrown vegetation.  Keeping up with this responsibly does not count as volunteer hours.

How many volunteer hours does it take to keep the Squadron going?

In 2022 our volunteers recorded 10.225 volunteer hours! We know there are many, many more hours that went unrecorded.  Thank you to our amazing members and volunteers who put in so much to help to keep this wonderful access to the water affordable and support all of our events.

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